
Peter Zipp
Lead Pastor
Peter and Johanna were married in 1993, and their story is a story of a marriage saved, a marriage redeemed! Over the first 8 years Peter and Johanna faced hard times as Peter wasn't a believer and brought many issues into their marriage. In 2002, through their involvement in a small group at church, Peter was faced with his sin and true need for a savior. He not only gave his life to the Lord on April 22, 2002, but he also turned from the sins that were tearing his marriage apart. From there, God started using them to minister to couples in their marriages with the message that "The same God that saved our marriage can save yours". In 2005 after Johanna went on her first mission trip, she came back and the two started praying bout what God wanted them to do. Peter was a little less cooperative, but God worked on him pretty hard that Fall. In the Winter of 2006 they were convinced that God wanted them in full-time ministry. In May of 2006 they attended a FamilyLife Weekend to Remember and that's when God made it clear where he was calling them for their first leg of full-time ministry. Peter and Johanna spent 7 years with FamilyLife, based in Little Rock AR. In their first year they were introduced to Montana and the immense need for the gospel to be spread there. For years Peter thought that God would send them to Montana with FamilyLife but God had other plans. In the Spring of 2014 God led them to consider Church Planting. Peter had never considered this before but God kept prompting him in that direction. After inquiring through the Montana State convention God led them to inquire with Outdoorsmen Church, which was planted in 2005 and was now training others in church planting. In September of 2014 Peter and Johanna moved to the Frenchtown area to start their internship as church planters only to be told by God that He wanted them to remain at the church and be a part of the staff as a Campus Pastor and children's minister. In December 2019 Peter became the Lead Pastor of Outdoorsmen Church, fulfilling God's ultimate call on his life. Peter and Johanna love their church family and look forward to many more years God willing.

Ken Bell
Associate Pastor & Elder

Jeff Howe
Very soon after Ken and Cary got married in 1998 Ken came to know Jesus as his savior. They have 4 children, two boys and two girls. Ken went to Bible college and after graduation they moved to Missoula for a church planting internship at Outdoorsmen Church. Then the Bells were led to plant a church in Bonner, Montana. After planting a church and ministering for 6 years, they were called away from that ministry. They returned to Outdoorsmen Church in the summer of 2022. Ken and Cary both love being in the outdoors. Some of their favorite activities is hiking,backpacking, hunting and fishing.

Tim Glessner

Steve Gaston
We have a passion for working with kids. We have both been in children’s ministry for many years. Tim works with Awana, the children’s ministry at OC, Camp Utmost, and as a bus driver for VCS. Healey has been a teacher and Head of School. We got married in 2019, and, in our spare time, we love to take day trips and travel.

Johanna Zipp
Worship Co-Leader
Johanna has always had a love of music, from piano lessons during elementary school, playing clarinet all through junior high and high school, and participating in church and youth group choirs. She sang in front of people for the first time in 5th grade at the urging of her mother for the elementary school talent show, singing "Bridge Over Troubled Water" while her mother accompanied on piano. She has always enjoyed being a part of worship teams, and loves finding harmony, but God stretched her out of her comfort zone when in 2017 He called her to be the worship leader. Although nerves are always present, and you'd be hard pressed to get her to talk much in front of others, she loves to sing praises to the Lord and counts it a privilege to be co-worship leader with Andy Thomas.

Andy Thomas
Worship Co-Leader
Andy grew up having a natural ear for music. What started as just taking piano lessons all throughout grade school turned into developing perfect pitch. That God-given gift really manifested itself when he was halfway across the world on a mission trip in Brazil. It was during that trip he picked up a guitar and discovered how to put fingers, strings, and notes together to form chords for the very first time with hardly any guitar exposure prior to that moment. From that moment on, he pursued this new found passion by taking lessons for about a year before he went on his own. Many opportunities then started to present themselves. From performing special songs at church to leading his very own youth group in praise & worship, God was preparing him for something far greater than he could ever imagine. After coming to Outdoorsmen Church on a summer internship in 2016, Andy felt God calling him to come back to Outdoorsmen Church for a yearlong internship. He wanted to be faithful and serve, but just did not know what that was and what it would look like. Once again, opportunities presented themselves and he joined the worship team as a secondary guitar player during that internship. But it was in 2019 when God had other plans and called him to be the primary guitar player for the worship team. That turned into co-worship leader in 2020 and he enjoys every moment getting to glorify God alongside Johanna Zipp and the rest of the worship team.
Jennifer White
Children's Ministry Director

Casey Denny
Office Manager

Tyna Pimentel
Kitchen Team Lead

Diane Gaston
Womens' Ministry Director

Peter Zipp

Johanna Zipp

Jeff Howe